Top Picks in Hardware and Embedded Security

Co-located with the 2021 International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD 2021)

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Any paper (conference or journal) in the broad area of hardware and embedded security that was published during the six-year period of 1/1/2015- 12/31/2020 is eligible.

Submission Materials:

One PDF file that contains the followings, in order,

  1. an optional cover letter;
  2. a 2-page self-nomination letter that summarizes the main ideas and key contributions of the paper, states the influence the paper has already made to academia and industry, and argues the potential long-term impact; and
  3. the conference/journal version of the paper.

Submission link

Selection Process:

  1. Submission of the nomination material. (Sept. 21, 2021)
  2. Review by the program committee of Top Picks.
  3. Top Picks candidates notification. (Oct. 11, 2021)
  4. Presentation and discussion (Q&A) at Top Picks Workshop. (Nov. 4, 2021)
  5. Post-workshop selection by the program committee.
  6. Top Picks announcement. (Dec. 5, 2021)
  7. Preparation, review, and revision of the submission to IEEE D&T.

Reasons for Upfront Rejection:

  1. Papers that are not peer-reviewed.
  2. Multiple submissions of the same paper.
  3. Papers that appear outside the period of 1/1/2015 — 12/31/2020.
  4. Submissions that do not adhere to the submission guidelines and format.